Helmsley Community Primary School
Learn together, play together, achieve together
Children will bound through our doors ready to learn through vivid and real experiences that we create. They will be literate, numerate, knowledgeable, have high emotional intelligence and be creative, resourceful and enterprising. They will believe in themselves, and we will have made a difference for their future.
Our Values
Respect Resilience Equity Motivation Collaboration
We have adopted these values to help guide us in our approach to life and learning.
Our Aims
- To promote an inclusive school, where all individuals are respected and valued.
- To promote a positive learning environment, where children feel inspired, secure and happy and where all their contributions are valued.
- To ensure full access to the National Curriculum and its programmes of study, making creative use of the range of learning opportunities available, within and beyond the classroom, including using modern technology to support learning.
- To develop the whole child, and to foster an awareness of the wider world, other ways of life, other religions and cultures.
- To stimulate a desire for learning that will go on throughout life.
- To educate the whole child, striking a balance between academic and practical learning using teaching methods that reflect the material to be learned, matching the maturity of the learners and their learning preferences.
- To foster a close partnership between home, school and the wider community.
- To actively promote a healthy lifestyle.
- To offer an exciting range of extra-curricular opportunities which reflect the aims and ethos of our school.